Guide to Labs
This section provides a guide to lab tests commonly used for Still's Disease patients. Each test provides a "normal" range, however some labs can vary on their "normal" ranges, therefore the normal results listed should be used only as a guide. Lab tests are useful in the diagnosis and management of Still's Disease, however there is not a specific blood test that can positively diagnose Still's Disease. There are lab tests that help "indicate" a presence of Still's. Normally a person with AOSD will have an elevated sed rate, an elevated C-Reactive Protein, and abnormalities with the white blood count, and hemoglobin levels. Recently there has been evidence that during the initial onset of Still's or during a severe flare, a person's ferritin level will be extremely elevated. The ferritin level may prove to be the most helpful of blood tests to accurately diagnose Adult Still's. 2 important tests used in diagnosis, is the Rheumatoid factor(RA factor) and the anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) tests. In almost every case of Still's Disease, both the RA factor and the ANA will be negative. Most of the medications used to treat Still's Disease and other autoimmune diseases can cause side effects, some serious. Monthly blood tests may be required for certain medications. Most commonly with Methotrexate and Arava you will need to have your liver enzymes checked and a complete blood count (CBC) done routinely. |
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