Methotrexate is used in both children and adults with active or progressive rheumatoid arthritis, although FDA approval is only for adults. It may be prescribed after trying one or more other second-line therapies such as antimalarials or gold salts. It also may be recommended even before starting these drugs. The decision to begin methotrexate will be based upon the opinions of both you and your doctor regarding the progression and activity of your disease. Methotrexate benefits a high percentage of those who use the drug. This improvement includes a decrease in the number of painful and swollen joints, as well as an overall reduction in RA disease activity.Methotrexate is taken once a week, either orally (as pills) or by injection. The tablet strength is 2.5 milligrams, and the starting dose is usually three pills (7.5 milligrams) taken one day a week. The dose may be increased over time if there is no initial benefit. Generally, doses between 7.5 and 20 milligrams one day a week are used to treat rheumatoid arthritis. Doses higher than 20 milligrams weekly may occasionally beused.If taken orally, methotrexate may be taken all in one dose or split up and taken two or three times over a 24-hour period, once a week. For example, you can take it all on Monday morning or on Monday morning, Monday evening, and finally on Tuesday morning. It may also be given injection either just under the skin, in the muscle, or directly into the vein. Injections may be recommended for people who are not responding to oral methotrexate or are developing intestinal side effects such as nausea. Methotrexate should not be taken more often than one 24-hour period per week. More frequent administration can be associated with serious side effects. should take the medicine on the same each week. Mark a calendar to remind yourself when to take your dose. If you become confused about when to take the drug, call your doctor to clarify the situation before you take the next dose. Side effects do occur in some people taking methotrexate.At the low weekly doses used to treat rheumatoid arthritis however, serious side effects are rare. The most common side effects include upset stomach, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea, or mouth sores. If these develop, you should contact your doctor immediately. A change in the dose or in how you take your methotrexate may reduce these side effects Occasionally, side effects such as headaches, dizziness, mood alterations, skin rashes, or unexplained weight loss may occur. Increased sensitivity to sun has also been observed, although this is rare. Your blood count may decrease, but this uncommon with weekly low doses of methotrexate. This could include a decrease in the number of white blood cell that help fight infection. A decrease in the platelet count or red blood cell count may also occur, which could lead to bruising, bleeding, or fatigue. Factors that increase the possibility for these blood cell changes with methotrexate include pre-existing kidney disease, low levels of folic acid, certain infections, and the use of certain medications, including an antibiotic called trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim or Septra).
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