Abstract Twenty One


J Rheumatol 1997 Mar;24(3):592-7

Severe sore throat as a presenting symptom of adult onset Still's disease: a case series and review of the literature.

Nguyen KH, Weisman MH
Division of Rheumatology, University of California San Diego Medical Center, 92103, USA.

We describe our experience with 3 cases and a literature review examining whether sore throat is an early manifestation of adult onset
Still's disease (AOSD). From our review of 341 cases in the English literature we noted that 69% of all reported patients displayed sore
throat early in the disease course.

We propose that sore throat be considered an important early diagnostic manifestation of AOSD because it appears useful in identifying patients in their first month of illness.

Publication Types:
Review of reported cases
PMID: 9058672, UI: 97211705

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