Dave Taylor


Hi All, my name is David Taylor and I live in FairPlay, Ca. I am 49
year's young. I have been reading some of your histories on the web and Wow it all hit home. I was diagnosed with RA when my son was born in 1973. I went through one course of Gold shot's for about 2 year's. I was working as a cabinet maker in a large shop where I was the Foreman.( Alot of stress.) However, I had very good insurance that paid for whatever I needed. In about 3 year's I went in to remission, me and my wife Judy were very happy, we were married in 1969 right out of High School. We are still happy 32 year's later. 

In about 1980 I started to be in pain more, fatigue, Flu like symptoms 3 to 4 months of the year.
So we decided to move home, where I was Born Placerville, Ca. We settled down in FairPlay, Ca. about 17 miles south of Placerville. I worked another 10 year's as a cabinet maker, no longer a foreman. The pain got worse, however I no longer had any insurance. It was hard to find a doctor that would take me on as a patient with no insurance. My wife in the mean time started a small Day Care in our home. In 1990 my wife told me to stop working and she would take care of me for awhile. I was King ( Ha Ha) no more stress, no more heavy cabinets to lift.  

As I was starting to get more pain, Fatigue, high fever's everynight at the same time,about 5 or 6 pm. temp's to 105. Sweat all night, just like i stepped out of a rain storm. So wet, Judy changed sheets 4 to 5 times a night. Well all with stilles know's what I mean.

In June of 1998 I found a Doctor, a real Doctor that cares for people
not money. So he took me under his wing, and in one week I was in the hospital. I was in for my first 3 units of blood, sever anemia, since
that i have had 60 Blood transfusion's. I have had my spleen removed, I have LGL leukemia of the T-cell. Went though one course of 2-CDA chemotherapy and diagnosed with Stills disease. I am now going to UC Davis Medical Cancer Center and Rheumatology. The Doctor's at UCD told me I will die from the LGL, however they can't tell me how long it well be.( I feel it will be in 50 year's or so.) I am so sorry this is so long, and I hate the thought that there are so many people that have the same thing I have. But it is so nice to vent ;my feeling's to all that know just what I am feeling. The Doctor said about two year's ago that they thought i had stills. However, when they found the leukemia they stopped looking, I got worse. So they sent me to the Rheumatology, where he finally diagnosed stills.
I was on 40mg. of prednisone, now it is down to 10mg. a day, Paxil 20mg. a day, cyclosporine 200mg a day, Folic acid 4mg., Zestril & microzide for high blood pressure, oramorph & vicodin for pain. I was     on Coumadin for a blood clot in my leg for over a year. It is better now, so i no longer take it. If any one out there would like to write me to vent or anything they feel. Please write to Dave at dtaylor@jps.net  My wife type's all the messages for me, it may take a little time, but i will answer all.  Thank you all for listening to me complain.   Thank
You Dave
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