Samantha Marcum
I am writing this for my
dauther, Samantha, she is 5 years old and recently diagnosed with Stills
disease/JRA. I can only tell her story from my view, but hope it may help
any parents of newly diagnosed children. We took one look at her and
said, "you are going to think I am crazy, but I believe your daughter has
something called J.R.A." We had no idea what this was and asked, what
is that? He explained and wrote down some lab tests that he felt our
pediatrician should order. We went home feeling that we may be on to
something. The next day, July 6th 2000, we went back to the doctor
and got the labs done. Well, the RA factor was negative, but her sed rate
was 46 (for a 5 year old this is TOO high) and her cell count was too high.
By then she was starting to complain of her ankle hurting and began limping.
Her doctor said that we needed to be seen by a specialist, a Rheumatologist.
I called around the area and found that no one would accept a patient under the
age of 6. We were left to travel to Gainesville, Florida to Shands
Childrens For 2 weeks they tested
Samantha for everything from A to Z. It was very
hard as parents to see our little girl go through this horrible time. Kids
just don't understand needles, scans, and work-up and work-up. Finally,
after two weeks and 7 weeks after the onset of the rash, we had a diagnosis, JRA.
Just what the doctor at the local E.D. had originally told us. |
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