Related Diseases
It is common for people who have an autoimmune disease to overlap with another autoimmune disease. This means that they have symptoms of other diseases that do not fit directly within their main diagnosis. Sometimes they will develop a second disease, such as fibromyalgia. When this happens, most doctors refer the fibromyalgia symptoms as being "secondary" to their main disease (Still's.. RA). There are several members in the group with Still's who also suffer from fibromyalgia. "Fibro" is a painful condition, sometimes the pain can even be worse than the pain from the Still's. We wanted to add information on fibro since it affects so many. Also, some of the complications of medications that we have to take for Still's can lead to other medical conditions such as osteoporosis and AVN. It is good to be aware of these conditions and what contributes to them. They are diseases that can be prevented if proper caution is taken when your doctor has you on long term steroid use. Doctors are just now starting to admit some of the horrible side effects from long term use of prednisone. Anemia and depression are two of the conditions that often result from having a chronic illness. I thought it would be good to add some info on that also, The antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, is something that may be positive in some people with rheumatic conditions. It can be associated with ANA negative lupus, but it can also be associated with other illnesses. Even Healthy women can have positive results. These women are at a higher risk for miscarriages, however most women do not know they have the antibody until they have had recurring miscarriages. This is one of those tests that I am positive for. My RD says it could be a connection to the Stills, or not. It could just be that I have that antibody. There is some good information about the syndrome there. |
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