Member Info
Tom Kufahl Founder of our Group Email : Location: Wausau, Wisconsin Birthdate: Date of Onset: Diagnosis is 92 but suspected much earlier Other Health Conditions: Current Medications: Occupation: Family: Favorite Activities: Aaron Nelson
Aaron's Cool Mustang!!!!!!!
Email Location:Kalispell MT Birthdate:5/3/74 Date of Onset/Diagnosis:April of 84 Surgeries due to Still's: Left Hip tissue release,Right hip replacement, Both knees replaced also many muscle releases. one revision done in Jan of 99 right knee. October 19 2000, Left elbow replacement. Current Meds:Imuran, Celexa, Cyclobenzaprine, Vicodin. Occupation: Family:single Favorite Activities: Working on my websites, being with friends, Working on my 1966 Ford Mustang My webpages:
Aaron Nelson
JRA World/Arthritis Insight Check out my personal website The World is getting smaller
all the time-
Finicia Murray Compton Location:
Pikeville, Kentucky
Email: Richard Schwartz Email:
Kathi McDavid Email: Location:
Keller, Texas...Just north of Fort Worth Jennifer Jay
Email: Location: Fort Rucker, Alabama Birthdate: Feb 10, 1971 Year of Diagnosis/Onset: Onset in Sept of 89, Diagnosed in Sept of 90 Other diseases/health conditions: Fibromyalgia, hypoglycemia, Surgeries as a result of Still's: Hip replacement in 93, 2 Revisions in 98 Current Medications: Enbrel, Zoloft and desiprimine for the fibromyalgia, Darvocet as needed for pain. Occupation: Office Assistant and this website (LOL), I was previously a travel agent. Family: Wonderful Husband, Marcial.. 1 Golden Retriever, 2 cats Favorite Activities: Being with my husband and my dogs, riding four wheelers, riding horses when I can, Reading, Wolves, medical research, Web design (my latest project) **In Memory of Kodi** I miss him dearly November, 2000
Kodi and Rocky in their Pool Our last picture of Kodi, September 2000 June 1998 Amanda Rose Herzog Email: Location:
St. Inigoes, Maryland Occupation:
3rd grade student as of 1999 (end of school year) Betsy Ashley Email: Location: Norwood.New York Occupation: Hairdresser
for 31 yrs- Beauty shop in my home Favorite Activities:
Hobbies are cooking- love new recipes, amanda yee
Email: Location:
columbus, OH If you would like to add your bio, send it to |
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