Abstract Eight
A controlled study of the
long-term prognosis of adult Still's Sampalis JS Esdaile JM
Patients were recruited from medical center-based cohorts in RESULTS: One hundred four of
111 eligible adult Still's patients (94%) provided data. They identified
86 same-sex sibling controls, of whom 60 (70%) participated. The mean
duration of adult Still's disease was 10 years. Approximately half of
patients continued to require medication even 10 years after diagnosis.
Patients had significantly higher levels of pain, physical disability,
and psychological disability when compared with the controls. However, the
levels of pain and physical disability were low compared to patients with
other rheumatic diseases. Educational achievement, occupational prestige,
social functioning and support, CONCLUSIONS: Despite causing
disability, pain, and, in many, the need for long-term medication,
patients with adult Still's Webmaster's Comment ** I do not completely agree with the conclusions of this study. I know of many people where Still's Disease DID interfere with educational attainment, occupational prestige, social functioning and support, time lost from work, and family income. ****** These are the honest facts ******
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