Hi, my name is Sheri and I'm
typing a history about my mom; Honey, whose had Stills since the early 80's
but believes to be in a remission now. She also believes she had it as a child
but no one dx her. My mom; Honey, is 50 now and has bad days still where she
will start taking steroids and then weans herself off. Once in a blue moon she
takes nsaids for joint pain. Although she isn't completely rid of Stills - she
doesn't have to take meds like alot of the members here on the site. When she
gets a flu or if something brings on an attack - she has to start taking
steroids right away but other than that she takes no meds what so ever on a
regular basis.
As a child
she almost died because they gave her penicillin and found out she was
allergic to it. Then in her adult life they once again gave her penicillin and
almost died again, Well this brought on the worst attack I've ever seen. She
ended up going from 130 pounds to almost 300lbs; from months of being in
hospital bed with intravenous steroids. When they finally weaned her down I
remember them giving her 29 steroid pills a day. I was young then but very
scared my for my mom and I remember alot. Before this incident where they dx
her with stills, she was told she had just about everything and her family doc
told her she had RA. She was given quartazone shots all the time and gold
treatments but nothing seemed to help. I remember when she couldn't even pick
up a little tea cup. Even though it took a tragedy to find out what she had,
atleast we know now and she deals with it herself.
Well my mom
is still very big from all this but atleast she is alive and well. We are not
sure what happened after the hospital incident but she is a strong basicly
healthy person today. So even though it might seem to be the end of your world
- I just wanted to let you know that there is always hope.
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