Timber's World



This is Me


My Wonderful Hubby Marcial



My Golden Retriever Rocky









In Memory of our Precious Kodi who went to the Rainbow Bridge November 2000 We will always love him


   Kodi in November 1998

                                                       Kodi at our house in Alaska Christmas Day, 1997

Kodi enjoying a summer Day in North Carolina with Rocky                                                                           



My favorite horse ever  Whispering Jesse    




The materials and information on this server are intended for educational and informational purposes only. The materials and information are not intended to replace the services of a trained health professional or to be a substitute for medical advice of physicians and/or other health care professionals. The International Still's Disease Foundation is not engaged in rendering medical or professional medical services. You should consult your physician on specific medical questions, particularly in matters requiring diagnosis or medical attention. The International Still's Disease Foundation makes no representations or warranties with respect to any treatment, action, application medication or preparation by any person following the information offered or provided within this website.  Any information used from other websites was done so with permission from each site, with an exception to those of "public domain", whereas we believe any site without a cited reference was a "public domain site" and for our use.  The International Still's Disease Foundation is a non-profit organization.   This page was last updated on January 17, 2001

Copyright© 1999-2001 International Still's Disease Foundation