Abstract Seventeen


Adult-onset Still's disease after hepatitis A and B                                    vaccination?

Maladie de Still de l'adulte apres vaccination contre l'hepatite A et  B?

In: Rev Med Interne (1998 Feb) 19(2):134-6

ISSN: 0248-8663  (Published in French)

BACKGROUND: Hepatitis A and B vaccination are generally very well  tolerated. However, exceptional cases of arthritis and systemic
diseases have been reported after hepatitis B vaccination. 

CASE  REPORT: The authors report a case of adult Still's disease apparently  triggered by hepatitis A and B vaccination. The patient was a 38-year-  old woman who presented with fever, hepatitis, pneumonitis and  neurologic symptoms, compatible with the diagnosis of adult Still's  disease. 

DISCUSSION: The authors discuss the rarity of systemic diseases triggered by such vaccination, the link between hepatitis B  virus and some vasculitis, and the possibility for viral bacterial  infections to trigger adult Still's disease.

Institutional address:
       Service de medecine interne V
       hopital Louis-Mourier


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