Prosorba Column


Prosorba Column

What is it?

Not a drug, but a treatment, it acts as a disease modifier, slowing down the disease process in inflammatory arthritis. 

FDA approved:

March 1999

How does it work?

In simple terms, it filters the blood removing inflammatory antibodies. An IV is inserted in two different sites, blood is taken from one arm and passed through a blood separating machine that the liquid part of your blood (the plasma) from the blood cells. The plasma is then filtered through the Prosorba Column. The column contains a sand-like substance coated with a special material called Protein A. Inflammatory antibodies bind with the Protein A, removing them from the blood. The plasma is then reunited with the blood cells and the blood is returned to your body via the second IV.


The treatment is done once a week for 12 weeks.

How should I take it?

The treatments will be preformed by qualified medical personnel, usually at an outpatient center. 


Used with caution in those with heart problems or high blood pressure.

Tell your physician if you have a history of strokes or clotting problems

The use of the Prosorba column has not been studied in pregnant women.

Should be used with caution in those with severe anemia.

Should be used with caution in those with systemic infections.

Drugs Interactions:

Should not be used if you are taking ACE inhibitors.

Possible side effects:

These side effects are not considered serious but are certainly annoying for those experiencing them. The most frequently reported side effect is a"flu-like" condition with chills, mild fever, nausea and joint/muscle pain.

A more serious side effect that happens rarely is vasculitis. Any rash should be reported immediately. 

In clinical studies, patients with rheumatoid arthritis often experienced some fatigue and a temporary increase in joint pain and swelling for a day or two after treatment.

Blood pressure may temporarily drop during the treatment, your blood pressure will be monitored throughout each treatment.

Anemia may occur as a result of Prosorba column treatments.

Precautions & Special Notes:

The entire treatment takes about 3 hours. 

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